We invite you to register for the upcoming webinar on “Legal Challenges to Business in Latin America”, June 23 at 2:00pm EST. This one-hour webinar, hosted by Troutman Sanders and NewFields, will give you a better understanding of the challenging, complex and changing environmental and legal issues in Latin America.

Toxic tort and environmental damage claims against multinationals in Latin America are becoming increasingly common. Suspicion of these companies, judicial use of the precautionary principle to eliminate a showing of causation, and weak to nonexistent standards for use of scientific evidence, among other factors are converging to produce increasingly costly demands and judgments against multinational firms in the region.

Featured speakers include Troutman Sanders Environmental & Natural Resources Partner Brooks Smith, Wasserman West Partner Robert West, and Luiz Bezerra of Motta Fernandes Rocha – Advogados. Topics to be discussed:

  • Toxic Tort and Environmental Litigation Trends
  • Reversal of Burden of Proof and the Precautionary Principle
  • Science and Evidentiary Standards

We hope you will join us for this informative webinar! Click here to register.