The Phase 1 deadline under EPA’s NPDES eReporting Rule is just around the corner, on December 21, 2016. This marks the start date for e-reporting for individual NPDES permittees including DMRs as well as EPA general permit data and the Federal Biosolids Program.
Miranda Yost
Court Affirms Disclosure in NPDES Permitting Is Critical to Permit Shield
By Miranda Yost on
Posted in Water
A recent Sixth Circuit decision on permit shield protection reinforces the importance of full disclosure to the permitting agency. The Sixth Circuit found a coal company was shielded from Clean Water Act liability for discharges exceeding state water quality standards by a state NPDES general permit. This is the latest decision in a series of cases where courts have wrestled with the scope of protection afforded by the CWA’s permit shield provision. See 33 U.S.C. § 1342(k).